Saturday 29 March 2014

All things sweet from Pink Bon Bon, Pembrokeshire

Off to the big smoke this weekend, well Cardiff, which is the big smoke for Wales!
An overnight stay and then on to the Dr Who Experience woo hoo.
Can't wait, it's a long time since we've been away, even if it is only for one night.
Although lots of work to get through before I can go, Mothers day trees and sweet cones. Preperations for a birthday sweet table coming along nicely too.
Well have a great weekend all and catch up soon :)

Thursday 27 March 2014

Sweet trees from Pink Bon Bon, Pembrokeshire, West Wales

It's the big push today to finish Mother's Day sweet tree orders. Lots of Ferrero Rocher ones this year!
I love making them but I burnt my finger on the glue gun yesterday ouchy ouchy and the glue stuck to my skin, so big blister today even after submerging it for 20 minutes.
But it was worth it to see the beautiful finished product :)

Tuesday 25 March 2014

West Wales Candy Cart, Ferris Wheel, Post box

Since the weekend the phone has not stopped ringing. People enquiring for weddings, mothers day sweet trees and birthday parties. I think this lovely weather we are having must be putting everyone in a "booking" mode!
We have another wedding fayre to get ready for in a couple of weeks too. This one is at The Feather's Royal in Abeareron. A lovely hotel right in the centre of the town. Looking forward to meeting lots of lovely local bride and grooms to be.
It's also time to get those seeds into their compost. There is never any time to rest but I do like to be busy!

Wednesday 19 March 2014

New budget pricing for our candy cart

Introducing our new "Essentials Budget Cart Package".
For an inclusive price of £119, you will receive sweets for 50 people, glass containers, colour match canopy, organza and candy bags, some matching table decorations, scoops and tongs.
To take advantage of this special price get in touch now :)

Monday 10 March 2014

Well what an absolutely fantastic weekend! It seems like it has rained for months and months and finally we get two days running, with wall to wall sunshine. So most of the weekend, inbetween making sweetie products, has been spent tidying in the garden. There is so much work to do but with a fabulous week ahead of sunshine I should be able to make a good dent in it.
There are lots of snowdrops, primroses and daffodils out, with the tadpoles making their entrance into the world and the depths of the pond. We also heard another frog singing yesterday but think he's a bit late arriving!
Enjoy your week and make the most of this lovely

Thursday 6 March 2014

Pink Bon Bon Sweet Trees

Well what a busy week we are having this week. Along with our normal sweetie tasks, we have been recovering from the fayre, have been to the Welsh Assembly and watched the local school Eisteddfod.

We went to the Welsh Assembly Sennedd yesterday to protest about the fact that they are trying to close various departments at our local Pembrokeshire hospital, Withybush.
First of all the SCBU is going, then they are only operating A & E during the daytime and who knows what else. We are a very rural community and this combining of our hospital with one in Carmarthen will mean a journey of at least an hour. Well our "golden hour" for treatment has already disappeared.
So the protest went very well, with at least 500 people making the journey from Pembrokeshire. The minister for health, Mr Drakeford, withdrew his agreement for a meeting with the protest organisers, but then we knew he would be running scared. Next is the judicial review and another protest.

This morning we went to the local school Eistedffod, which is like a talent competition, to watch all the children compete. It was majical and humbling to see all ages from 4 to 11 standing on that stage and either singing or receiting. Only one more year for me before my youngest daughter moves up to secondary school :(
Well, best get back to the sweet trees now, lots of Ferrero on the go getting ready for Mothers Day!

Sunday 2 March 2014

Pink Bon Bon candy cart, vintage ferris wheel and post box

Well it's the day after the day before and a well earned rest is in order today.
The wedding fayre at Withybush went really well yesterday and how everyone said they loved the cart and ferris wheel. Had a few bookings aswell which is always good news! The spring fayres are always better attended than the autumn ones with those long dark days of winter almost over.
So lots to catch up on today in between rests and looking forward to a great spring and making lots of couples special days even more special <3

Saturday 1 March 2014

Candy Carts in West Wales

Well, we have been down to set up for the Pembrokeshire Wedding Fayre today. Met up with a lot of friends and colleagues, great to have a catch up! and great to have the rest of the family helping out with setting the stand up. (Although I did promise them a McDonald's afterwards).

I am so looking forward to meeting the Pembrokeshire bride and grooms tomorrow. It is lovely to have our own county wedding fayre to meet couples that will be tieing the knot here. There is a lot to see and do this year with over 105 stands, you are bound to find what you are looking for.

Don't forget pop along and meet us on the Pink Bon Bon  stand, where we will be delighted to show you our products and what we can do for you.